Towards the Future, Building the Yangtze River Dream Together

Date of publication:2024-05-28 Publisher:

1 Participants

We are soliciting excellent short video works from foreign students who have foreign nationality and have been studying in Hubei for the past five years (students enrolled on or after January 1, 2019).

2 Creative direction

The focus is on "Towards the Future, Building the Yangtze River Dream Together", which meets but is not limited to the following scope:

1. Taking "Roaming Hubei and Feeling the Charm of Jingchu" as the main theme, focusing on Hubei's history, humanities, economy, education, society and other fields, deeply experiencing the unique charm of Chinese culture, reflecting the vastness and profoundness of Jingchu culture, vividly showcasing the continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace of Chinese civilization, comprehensively showcasing the real and three-dimensional image of China and Hubei.

2. Taking "learning in Hubei and promoting cultural exchange" as the main theme, focusing on what I saw and heard during my study or work in Hubei (coming to Hubei), telling exciting stories of my personal experiences, exciting changes, unique insights, and innovative creations I participated in. Experience "Chinese people, Chinese things, Chinese emotions, and Chinese scenery", and record the beautiful moments that happened in China and Hubei.

3. Taking "Impress Hubei and tell a good story about China" as the main line, and focusing on the development and progress of Hubei since the tenth anniversary of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, tell the views and understanding of overseas students on China's development in recent years.

3 Contest works

1 Work requirements

1. Content requirements: The entries must ensure positive and healthy content, spreading positive energy. Comply with relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China.

2. Copyright requirements: The entries must be original works created by individuals or teams, with clear copyright and no disputes regarding the copyright of images, music, fonts, and portrait authorization. Plagiarism and moving of works are not included in the scope of evaluation.

3. Time requirement: In principle, the duration of the work should be within 1-10 minutes.

4. Format requirements: All MP4 should be used Common formats such as MOV and AVI. The video must have complete images, sound, and subtitles. The technical specifications such as resolution, bit rate, frame rate, etc. shall comply with the standards of network multi terminal broadcasting. Encourage the submission of multilingual works, and add Chinese simplified bilingual subtitles to dialogues, narrations, and commentary, with clear and smooth sound and image quality.

2 Award settings

This competition sets up several awards, including the first, second, and third categories, as well as the Best Popularity Award. The award-winning works will have the opportunity to be recommended to other competitions for selection.

4 Competition arrangement

1 Schedule

1. Collection and submission of works: The deadline for submission of works is July 31, 2024; Contact Teacher Zoe

2. Qualification review and preliminary evaluation: early September 2024

3. Work review: mid September 2024

4. Final review and online voting of works: mid to late September 2024

5. Result announcement: By the end of October 2024

5 Regarding requirements

The evaluated works should be original products, and the copyright ownership should be clearly stated in the recommendation form to ensure that the selected works do not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties. The applying unit or individual shall bear the legal responsibility arising from the above disputes on their own.