Better Me with Dr. Muhammad Tahir ul Qamar

Date of publication:2020-07-06 Publisher:


Q1. What is your key to success? How you work smart and what keeps you motivated?

Key to success:

  • Reading,

  • Writing,

  • Planning,

  • Consistency,      

  • Community      & Social life,  

  • Utilization      of good days, and moment to take charge

Tips to work smarter:

  • Trim the      fat, narrow down your goals to your most important tasks

  • Measure your      results, not your time

  • Have an      attitude adjustment

  • Communicate,      communicate, communicate

  • Create      and stick to a routine

  • Automate      more tasks (Mark example)

  • Stop      multitasking

  • Relieve      stress

  • Do more      of the work you enjoy

  • Improve      Your Time Management Skills

  • Learn How      to Use Productivity Tools

  • Use Your      Phone Wisely

  • Expect      Failure and Fight Paranoia

Secreta behind motivation:

“Do something you are passionate about, something that you love, and your gut tells you, you are good at! Then success is inevitable”

Q2. How do you write your research paper? What resources you often used for writing and learning your field? And what you suggest to beginners about getting their work published well in time?

Advice for the beginners:

  • Differentiate      between topic and research question

  • Read,      Read, Read

  • Make a      database of citing/learning sources

  • Think      about a topic

  • Tell a      story

  • Write      first and edit later

  • Prewriting      – Writing – Revising

  • Explain      why your work is important

  • Use      figures

  • If you      fail, Discuss/Collaborate with others (AIDS example)

  • Choose      the right journal


  • Read literature      (journal websites / google scholar / university library)

  • Read      books (basic concept books, programming books, guiding books)

  • Directly      take help from tool’s tutorial from its website

  • Use      youtube or other sources for practically learn new things

  • Take      online courses

Q3. Along with your studies, you have been involved in several volunteer activities, how you manage time? And how you manage to work with people from different backgrounds?

  • Planning

  • Communication      

  • Conflict      resolution

  • Rapport-building      and listening

  • Tolerance

  • Give them      the freedom to use their talents

  • Give them      permission to make mistake

  • Guide      them to work together toward a compelling vision

  • Show up      as the leader and develop leaders within

  • Create an      environment of fun and enjoyment

  • Model      accountability and teach responsibility

  • Be honest      and encourage others

Q4. Suggestions of how to apply to post-doc after PhD or for PhD after Masters?

Many Post-Doc/PhD advice articles tell you to look out for at least three characteristics when choosing a prospective lab:

  • It should      be in another country than your PhD lab was

  • Have      different or at least additional techniques

  • An excellent      publication records

Sure, these are beneficial aspects, but are by far not the main criteria you should look for.

  • Pick your      Post Doc / PhD lab based on their research interest and attitude towards      it, not primarily based on their publication record

To apply for PostDoc or PhD there are several ways:

  • Keep an      eye on universities website

  • Keep an      eye on your favorite lab position’s announcement

  • Search      for countries government funded scholarships

  • Write      directly to the Professors and discuss your possibility

  • Keep your      CV real and intact