The first spring semester meeting of the International Students Volunteers Center (ISVC) was held on 2021.03.05 at 14:00 in the meeting room of the International Students Affairs Office (ISAO) building room no #221. The following attended the meeting: -Ms.Zoe Wang Co-Chair (ISAO,HZAU)Mr.Unisa C. Kanu Coordinator (Department of Secretary)Mr. Mohammad Murtaza Alami Vice-Coordinator (Depar...
On October 19, 2020, the Department of Scientific Research and development ISVC & Graduate College of HZAU held their first scientific presentation titled “HOW TO WRITE A SCIENTIFIC PAPER” Hosted by the following:Taha (Coordinator, Dept. of Scientific Research and development, ISVC). Samiul Islam (Vice- Coordinator, Dept. of Scientific Research and development, ISVC)Hager shendy (Vice- Coordi...