

Accommodation Management Stipulation for International Students in Huazhong Agricultural University

 第一章 总则

Chapter One General Principals

第一条  留学生宿舍是留学生学习、生活、休息的场所。为了维护留学生正常的生活秩序,为了给广大住宿留学生提供一个“文明、整洁、优美、安全”的学习和生活环境,结合我校实际情况,特制定华中农业大学留学生住宿管理规定(以下简称“规定”)。

Article 1 This Accommodation Management Stipulation for International Students in Huazhong Agricultural University (here in after referred to as stipulation) is to ensure the normal order and good atmosphere for international students’ life.

第二条  本规定适用于在校注册的自费生、奖学金生以及短期交换生。

Article 2 These stipulations apply to those international students including self-financed students, scholarship students and exchange students.

第三条  住宿留学生应当遵守中国的法律、法规,遵守留学生宿舍管理的各项规章制度。

Article 3 All students who live in HZAU should observe Chinese laws and regulations, as well as rules and regulations of accommodation management listed below.

第二章 入住与退宿

Chapter Two  Arrangement of Dormitory

第四条 学生办理入住手续时,须服从宿舍管理服务中心(DMSC)工作人员的安排,按指定房间入住,不得私自迁移或者强占房间。学生入住后一周内填写、签字并交回《留学生入住登记表》。

Article 4 When check in, students will be arranged their accommodations by Dorm Management Service Center (DMSC for short), students cannot change or occupy the room. After checking in, students must fill and sign Registration Form for International Students Accommodation, and return it to the administrator in one week.

第五条 学生入住前,按照《留学生入住登记表》中的“房间物品栏”检查确认房间的物品是否配齐,配套设施是否完好。如有缺少或损坏,应及时告知楼栋管理员; 否则,若有物品丢失或者人为损坏,须照价赔偿。

Article 5 Before living in the room, the students must make sure that room facilities are there and in good conditions. Anything missing the students should tell the administrator immediately. Otherwise, the students should compensate if any item is lost.

第六条  留学生楼栋双人间若出现自然空缺,学生应配合宿管中心合并房间。

Article 6 DMSC will arrange another student in double room if there is vacancy. and the students have to obey the arrangement.

第七条 留学生办理退宿手续时,须交还钥匙,同时楼栋工作人员需核实房内物品无损坏或遗失,并在《留学生入住登记表》“退宿栏”上确认签字;如有物品遗失或损坏,须照价赔偿。若办理退宿手续后不能及时离校的,须缴纳300元押金,待正式退房后归还。

Article 7 When checking out, the student should return the room key, meanwhile the administrator will make sure all the furniture and facilities in dorm are in good condition and sign on the Check Out of the Registration Form. Any loss or damage is subjected to compensation. If timely departure cannot be guaranteed, guarantee deposit of 300 RMB is required, and will be returned after final check-out.

第八条  短期交换生学生入住时需交300元人民币作为宿舍设备押金,离校前凭押金单办理退房手续后退还。

Article 8 For exchange students of short-term program, a pre-deposit of 300RMB for the dorm facilities is expected to be paid when checking in, it will be returned upon checking out without any damage in the room.

第三章 住宿规定

Chapter Three  Accommodation Regulations

第九条  留学生不得私自调换宿舍。如需更换房间,需向国际学院提出书面申请,宿舍管理服务中心将根据实际情况做出适当的调整。

Article 9 Students cannot exchange rooms with others without permission. Students who want to change another room should first apply to the International College, then DMSC will make a appropriate arrangement according to actual conditions and the approval of written application from International College.

第十条 学生不得将房间出租或留宿他人。若学生家人、朋友想要留宿,需经国际学院批准,并缴纳相应住宿费用,方可住宿。

Article 10 Students cannot rent the room or invite others to stay overnight without permission. In case relatives or friends come to stay, the student should apply to the International College for approval and pay extra lodging fee.

第十一条  房间钥匙只能学生自己使用,不得将钥匙转借他人。如果学生忘记带钥匙,向楼栋管理员借钥匙时,需抵押护照或者学生证。

Article 11 Students cannot lend their room key to any other person. The student who forgets to take key should put student ID or passport at duty room when the administrator lends the room key to him/her.

第十二条  留学生应自觉遵守安全管理规定,防止漏水或者火灾事故的发生。如果违反规定造成跑水或者火灾等事故,由责任人承担相应责任,负责赔偿一切损失,取消住宿资格,并由司法机关追究刑事责任。

Article 12 Students should comply with the security regulations listed below to prevent accidents such as fire or leakage. If the disobedience of the rules results in any accidents, the responsible shall assume the responsibilities, compensate for the damage, be expelled from accommodation and even face the criminal charge of judicial authorities.


1)Students must not use or keep kerosene stove, alcohol stove, candles and other naked flame appliance or high-power equipment such as electric stove, electromagnetic stove, electric heaters, electric cookers, electric water boilers in the dorm. Inflammable, explosive or poisonous substances are also prohibited. Electric cooking appliances can only be used in public kitchen.


2)Students should turn off water and electricity before leaving the building.


3)Students cannot connect electric wires from dorms for electric vehicle charging.


4)No fireworks or any burning in the apartment.


5Firefighting equipment should not be damaged.


6Students must not throw away cigarette butts carelessly. The fire caused by cigarette butts will result in charges from public security organs.


7Students cannot damage or disassemble or refit the furniture and installations in the apartment. Any damage or loss is subjected to compensation.


8Students cannot pile personal belongings such as bicycles, boxes or hang clothes in the corridor. If you place or keep any goods in the public areas such as the corridors, kitchen, the apartment staff will have the right to clean them.


Students cannot litter the floor, dump or pile garbage in public areas, or throw the waste out of the window.


(10)Students should obey management regulations of the apartment’s public kitchen.

第十三条 不得污损墙壁、地板、天花板、门以及家具,不得乱写乱画乱贴,禁止在楼栋内饲养任何动物。

Article 13 Students should not stain or scribble on the wall, floor, ceilings, doors or furniture. It is not allowed to raise pets.

第十四条  留学生有信仰自由,但不得在公寓内传教或散发相关宣传品,不得在公共场所张贴或者悬挂有关图片、文字和饰品。

Article 14 Students have the freedom of religion, but missionary work and spreading of religious publicity materials are prohibited in the apartment. Don’t paste or suspend pictures or decorations related to religious in the public place.

第十五条 保持宿舍安静,不得影响他人学习或休息,如大声喧哗、高声放音乐、跳舞等。禁止在楼栋内进行烧烤、酗酒、赌博、吸毒以及其他一切违反中国法律和风俗习惯的活动。

Article 15 Students should keep the dorm quiet and any act interrupting others is not permitted such as loud noises and music, dancing etc.. Public activities such as barbecues, alcohol abusing, gambling, drug abusing and other activities against China’s laws or customs are strictly prohibited in the apartment.

第十六条 当宿舍内水、电、空调、网络、热水器等出险故障,请及时到一楼值班室报修。若为人为损坏或者特定的付费维修项目,一切费用由学生本人承担。

Article 16 In case of malfunction of electricity, water supply, air-conditioner, Internet, and water heater, please contact the faculty on duty at the first floor of the dorm so that problems can be fixed in time. The student should pay for the damage caused by misuse and certain maintenance items such as dredging.

第十七条 留学生须配合管理人员对公寓进行例行检查和维修;同样维修人员也应该尊重学生的文化习惯。

Article 17 Students should cooperate with the faculty for regular inspections and maintenance of the facilities of the dorm. Also the faculty should respect students’ manners and customs.

第十八条 来访者会客前应出示有效证件:身份证、学生证、护照等。需造访学生宿舍者,请将本人有效证件押置于值班室,并由住被访学生带入。超过会客时间,值班员将核实来访者是否离开,并在劝其在规定时间内离开,请学生和外来人员配合。会客时间是每天9点至23点。

Article 18 Visitors are required to show their identity cards before meeting our students. If dorm visiting is requested, visitors should put their identity cards at the duty room and to be led by our international students into their dorms. The staff will check whether the visitors are still in the dorm and persuade them to leave by the time limit. Please cooperate with the staff. Visiting Hours: 9:00-23:00

第四章 违规处理

Chapter Four   Violation Handling

第十九条 住宿人员应自觉遵守宿舍内各项管理规定,维护宿舍环境卫生及形象,如违反任一条宿舍管理规定,管理人员将口头批评,情节严重者,宿舍管理服务中心会同国际学院将给予书面警告。收到两次书面警告的学生会被取消住宿资格,甚至奖学金资格。

Article 19  All who live here should obey all the regulations listed above and maintain a good environment in dorm. Those who violate any item of management stipulations will be criticized by the staff and get a written warning for a severe violation from DMSC and International College. If received written warning two times, the student will be canceled the accommodation qualification, even scholarship qualification.

第五章 附则

Chapter Five  Bylaws

第二十条  本规定自颁布之日起执行。由宿舍管理服务中心负责解释。

Article 20 This regulation will take effect since issuing. Final explanation falls to the DMSC .