专业名称 Major Name | 研究方向 Research Field | 导师姓名 Supervisor’s Name |
果树学 Pomology | 果树栽培与品质调控 Fruit Tree Cultivation and Quality Control | |
园艺植物细胞生物学 Horticultural Plant Cell Biology | ||
果树分子生物学 Molecular Biology in Fruit Crops | 郭文武 Guo Wenwu | |
蔬菜学 Olericulture | 蔬菜种质资源与品质育种 Vegetable Germplasm Resources and Quality Breeding | |
茶学 Tea Science | 茶树营养高效机制 Efficient Mechanism of Tea Tree Nutrition | 倪德江 Ni Dejiang |
茶叶微生物 Tea Microbiota | 黄友谊 Huang Youyi | |
观赏园艺学 Ornamental Horticulture | 观赏植物逆境应答 Response of Ornamental Plants to Adversity |
产祝龙 Chan Zhulong |