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Announcement on Daily Regulations

Date of publication:2018-03-14 Publisher:

Hello, every student, in order to provide better services, the International Student Office prompts the following arrangements for the new semester:

1.每月28日持本人一卡通按时前往国际学院1楼10号台签到,从2018年3月起,不接受任何微信,QQ,短信,电话签到或他人代签。因特殊原因,请假,在外科研,参加会议,无法按  时签到的同学,务必于每月28日将“学号,姓名,事由”发送邮件到指定邮箱
liveinhzau@mail.hzau.edu.cn  。 且邮件标题为“Application for Leave ( Month )”, 例如 “Application for Leave (April)”。 已经提交请假条的同学,也需要在每月28日再次发送邮件以确认本人情况,否则,一律停发生活费。为方便管理,仅接受每月28日的邮件请假且需要提交导师签证的请假条照片作为附件。其他日期发送的邮件将被视为无效。
From March 2018, on the 28th of each month, every student has to carry campus card to do signature at No.10 counter of the 1st floor at International College, and any alternative form like WeChat, QQ, SMS, phone sign-in or signing on behalf of others is not accepted. Students who cannot sign on time due to special reasons, such as asking for leave, researching outside or attending meetings, should send your" student number, name, reason" to the specified e-mail (
liveinhzau@mail.hzau.edu.cn) on the 28th of each month titled "Application for Leave (Month)," for example, "Application for Leave (April)." Please pay special attention that the student who have already submitted the leave application form, also need to send an e-mail on the 28th of each month to confirm your situation again. Otherwise, the living allowance will be stopped. For the convenience of the management, we only accept the E-mails exactly on 28th of each month, with an attachment of the photo of the application for leave agreed by your professor. Emails sent on other dates will be considered invalid.

2. 每周一,周二全天处理签证业务,其他时间不受理。
Affairs on visa are processed on Mondays and Tuesdays and not accepted at other times.

3. 每周三全天处理保险业务,其他时间不受理。
Affairs on Insurance are processed on Wednesdays and not accepted at other times.

4. 每周二、周四全天处理各类证明(在读证明,成绩单,其他需要的证明材料)开具,其他
All kinds of certificates (Proof of study, transcripts, other required proofs) are processed on Tuesdays and Thursdays and not accepted at other times.

5. 每周一、周四、周五全天进行学生活动申请讨论指导,我们欢迎各国同学踊跃报名,或积极建议包括国际秀在内的各类文体活动,大家可以积极申报,讨论。如合理合规,留学生办公室将全力支持。
We welcome various kinds of discussions, applications and guidance about student activities on every Monday, Thursday and Friday. We encourage every student to take an active part in these cultural activities, such as International Show, Sports Competition or others. We will give its full support if reasonably displayed

6. 每周七天7*24小时接受紧急医疗帮助或心理卫生干预咨询。任何时候需要因病就医,可直接前往医院或联系保险公司(010-59104919),但如果出现沟通不便,需要紧急医疗救助,或其他任何紧急情况,请随时联系留学生办公室(027-87288458)或辅导员老师(13437170677)。我们可以首先通过电话帮你和医院沟通,并视情况采取进一步措施。此外,任何时候发现自己或身边留学生朋友存在心理健康问题,抑郁倾向,或其他任何紧急情况也请及时告知我们。
Emergency medical help and mental health intervention counseling are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Whenever you need medical treatment for illness, you can go directly to the hospital or contact the insurance company (010-59104919). But, if there is communication problem, when you need urgent medical assistance or encounter any other emergency, please feel free to contact the International Student Office
(027-87288458) or Mr.Wei (13437170677). We can timely help you communicate with the hospital via telephone and take further actions. In addition, please feel free to inform us at any time when you perceive mental health problems, depressions, or any other emergencies in your friends or yourself.

In principle, the International College will not accept any application for dormitory replacement. If there is any problem regarding the quality of dormitories, please contact the dormitory center directly for your verification and repair.  

8. 国际学院官方微信群目前尚有少部分同学没有加入,请未加入的同学联系身边好友邀请,实名入群。并且不要在群内发布任何与公共信息无关的内容,私人话题请私聊。
Now there are still a few students who have not joined official International College WeChat group. If you are not in the group, you’d better ask your friends to invite you and join in with your real name. Any content that has nothing to do with public information is not allowed to post in the group, and please post individual information through private chat.

9. 近期,我们将召开各国留学生代表会议,商讨全年活动(国际文化节)以及校庆有关工作。请各国学生与同胞商量,提前选取1名学生代表,参加代表会议,并由代表负责后期的本国联络组织工作。会议时间另行通知。
Recently, an representative meeting of international students from each country willed be held to discuss the activities like International culture festival and HZAU 120’s anniversary. The international students are requested to discuss with your country mates and elect one student representative of your country to attend the representative meeting dated on March 18-24th <to be certain>.
