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Notice about Winter Vacation

Date of publication:2018-01-17 Publisher:



Dear all international students,

The winter holiday (January 27th to March 3rd ) is coming. Hereby, we wish you will have a wonderful vacation! Meanwhile, we would like to remind you about the registration day of March 4th for all students. Please check your plan and make sure to come back for registration on time. Please pay attention to the following:


1. 国际学院将于2月3日至2月28日放假,在此期间,暂停签证办理、保险理赔(紧急医疗住院垫付除外)、证明开具等相关服务。2月28日之前居留许可将到期的同学,请于2月3日前到国际学院503办公室办理居留许可延期。武汉市出入境管理局将于春节期间放假。请务必提前办理相关手续。

International College will be off work from February 3rd to February 28th. During that time, daily services like residence permit, certificates and insurance will be terminated. Thestudents, whose residence permit will expire before February 28th, please come to office 503 for extension before February 3rd. And Wuhan immigration will not work during Chinese Spring Festival holiday. Please be sure to go through the formalities in advance.


2. 请于 1月18日全天到国际学院(学生综合服务大楼)1楼10号窗口进行留学生签到及寒假去向统计工作。已经提交请假条的同学无需参加,但其他同学如无故不参加签到,将视作提前离校。

Please note to sign in and register where-to-stay information about winter vacation in whole January 18that thefront desk of No. 10, Floor 1, Student Integrated Service Building. Students who have already submitted a leave certificate are not required to participate, but other students who fail to sign in without any reason will be considered as leaving early.


3. 请安全使用公共厨房电器。

Be careful when using kitchen.


4. 严禁在宿舍房间内使用大功率电器。

Usage of high-powered electrical appliances in dormitory is prohibited.


5. 严禁存放和燃放烟花,以确保人身安全。

It is strictly prohibited to store and set off fireworks in order to ensure safety.


6. 严禁吸毒或酗酒。

It is strictly prohibited to use drugs and abuse alcohol.


7. 请不要晚归。不要在宿舍大声喧哗,以免打扰别人。如果我们得到频繁的投诉,将提出警告并通知大使馆。

Do not return too late at night. Please do not make noise in dormitory so as to avoid disturbing others. If we get frequent complaints, we will offer a warning and inform the embassy.


8. 离开学校的同学,应随身携带贵重物品。

The students, who will leave the school, should carry their valuables which should not be in the dormitory.


9. 确保在离开学校时关好门窗,断水断电。

Make sure lock the windows, drawers and doors before you leave. Switch off the water, electricity before leaving the dorm.


10. 旅行时,请不要到危险的地方,以免发生事故。

When traveling, please do not go to dangerous places so as to avoid the occurrence of an unfortunate accident.


11. 请注意驾驶安全。禁止驾驶黄牌、无牌摩托车电动车上路。

Please do not drive at high speed. All motorcycles with yellow licensed plates would be banned from the road.


12. 在紧急情况下,请拨打以下电话:或直接联系留学生办公室老师

公安局:110 保卫处:87281110 火灾报警:119

医院:120 保险公司:400-810-5119转 1

In case of emergency, keep in mind the following numbers:

Police call: 110 Univ. police: 87281110 Fire call: 119

Emergency Call: 120 Insurance company: 400--5119 transit 1

留学生辅导员: Mr. Wei 13437170677


13. 校内食堂不会全部关闭,食堂服务安排会及时通知大家。

Not all the canteens will be closed, and canteen service arrangement will be noticed timely.



Wish you experience a Happy Year of Spring Festival in advance.


                  International Student Affairs Office