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FAQs for Application of International Students



FAQ for Application of International Students

1. 如何申请中国政府奖学金在华中农业大学学习?
与中国驻外使()馆或本国留学生派遣部门申请。具体申请时间、申请流程等内容请向中国驻外使()馆或驻外项目受理部门咨询;经审核获取Award Letter for Chinese Government Scholarship(资助证明)后,申请者可持资助证明向华中农业大学国际学院留学生招生办公室申请预录取通知书,获得预录取通知书的具体流程请参考网站:http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/SCHOLARSHIPS/Chinese_Government_Scholarship_Bilateral_Program/Pre_admission_Letter.htm 

Q1. How to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship to study in Huazhong Agricultural University?
Two approaches
1) Submit application materials to the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country.Applicants should fill in the form with Huazhong Agricultural University as Target University. To specify the application period and procedure, please contact the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home countryAfter obtaining approval Award Letter for Chinese Government Scholarship, applicants can apply for a pre-admission notice to International Student Admissions Office of Huazhong Agricultural University. Please refer to the website: http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/SCHOLARSHIPS/Chinese_Government_Scholarship_Bilateral_Program/Pre_admission_Letter.htm  to get more details about specific procedure of obtaining pre-admission notice.

2) Apply for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Program through International Student Admissions Office of Huazhong Agricultural University, but this program only accepts Master and PhD students. About the application procedure, please refer to website: http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/SCHOLARSHIPS/Chinese_Government_Scholarship_University_Postgr/How_to_Apply.htm  

2. 中国政府奖学金-高校研究生奖学金项目的申请时间以及入学时间?

Q2. What is the application and enrollment time for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate program?

A: The application period is in the annual spring semester, usually from December 1 to March 31 of the next year; Open only once a year. Enrollment time is at the beginning of September each year. The qualification of the Scholarship winner will be cancelled if you cannot register on time for personal reasons.

3. 中国政府奖学金-高校研究生奖学金项目需要在哪个网站申请?申请流程是什么?准备申请材料需要注意什么?
答:须同时在“来华留学网上报名系统”(http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/#/login )和“华中农业大学网上报名系统”(http://studyin.hzau.edu.cn/member/login.do)填写申请信息并提交,“华中农业大学网上报名系统”将于121日开放。申请流程及申请材料请至国际学院网站:http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/SCHOLARSHIPS/Chinese_Government_Scholarship_University_Postgr/How_to_Apply.htm  查看。申请人必须认真按要求准备申请材料,保证材料的真实,准确,完整。对于提供虚假或者伪造证书文件的申请人,华中农业大学将拒绝其申请。已经被录取的申请人,注册报到时,华农要验证其所有申请材料和证书的原件,一经发现虚假情况,将被取消录取资格,并被要求立即回国,回国旅费由本人承担,并在今后五年内华中农业大学将不接受其任何形式的入学申请。

Q3. Which website do I need to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship - University Graduate program? What is the application procedure? What do I need to be aware of when I prepare application materials?

A: Please apply on both “Chinese Government Scholarship online application system” (http://laihua.csc.edu.cn/#/login) and “Huazhong Agricultural University online application system” (http://studyin.hzau.edu.cn/member/login.do). The online application system of Huazhong Agricultural University will be opened on 1st December. The application procedure and materials are available on the International College website: www.ic.hzau.edu.cn - "Scholarships" - "How to apply".

Applicants must carefully prepare the application materials as required to ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the materials. Huazhong Agricultural University will refuse applications for those who provide fake or falsified application documents. At the same time, Huazhong Agricultural University will verify all of the original application materials and certificates of applicants who have been admitted by Huazhong Agricultural University. If the documents were found forged, admission qualification will be cancelled, and applicants are required to immediately return home. Return travel expenses shall be borne by themselves, andHuazhong Agricultural University will not accept any application from them in the next five years.

4. 填写《中国政府奖学金申请表》时的注意事项有哪些?

Q4. What should I pay attention to when I fill out the "Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form"?

A: Applicants should choose correct student category which they are going to study in "student category" column, rather than the acquired degree; Personal information on the application form (including name, gender, nationality, date of birth, passport number) must be the exact same as the information on passport. If the applicant has no passport or their passport will expire, after replacing new passport, please fill in relevant information on online application system on time. Otherwise, the admission notice and visa application form (JW201 or JW202) will be missing some information or display false information, and may cause the Chinese embassy to deny visa approval.

5. 申请需要支付申请费吗?

Q5. Do I need to pay an application fee?

A: No need.

6. 我是今年的应届毕业生,无法提供最高学位证明材料,怎么办?

Q6. Because I graduated this year, I cannot provide proof of highest degree: What should I do?

A: Please submit pre-graduation certificate or study certificate which is issued by university related authorities (teaching administration department, postgraduate school). If admitted, applicant must provide the original graduation certificate and degree certificate. If applicant cannot provide the original certificate or the certificate provided does not pass validation, admission qualification will be cancelled, and the resulting international traveling expenses shall be borne by applicant.

7. 在申请硕士、博士或高进修生过程中,为什么申请材料需要提供导师接收函以及如何获取?


Q7. Why do I need to provide the acceptance letter of supervisor from Huazhong Agricultural University with other application materials? How can I obtain it?

A: It helps to build good communication between applicants and supervisors when they contact with supervisors by themselves, to achieve two-way choice between teachers and students. You can go to our website to find supervisors’ information (http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/ADMISSIONS/Postgraduate_Program/Programs___Supervisors.htm).

8. 教授接收函和推荐信有没有特定的格式和内容要求?


Q8. Is there any specific format or content requirements for a professor's acceptance letter and recommendation letters from the applicant's school?

A: Acceptance letter and recommendation letter must be consistent with our website templates. Templates can be downloaded from website: http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/  - "Download" - "Admissions". Recommendation letters should be provided by an associate professor (or equivalent to associate professor) or above in the field of study.



Q9. If I have two or more professor acceptance letters, do I need to send all of them with other application materials?

A: No, you don’t. A copy of the application materials can only attach an acceptance letter from one professor. Our university doesn’t agree with the applicant who contacts many professors at the same time, but if the applicant obtains several acceptance letters from professors, please only choose one attached with the application materials; At the same time, we require that the applicant has to explain the situation to other professors who issue the acceptance letters, and receive their understanding and agreement, otherwise we will deal with it seriously after enrollment.

10. 为什么录取通知书上的学院和专业与我当时申请填报的志愿不完全一致?

Q10. Why were the college and major on admission notice not fully consistent with the one I applied for?

A: The minority applicants will experience this kind of circumstance. This is mainly due to the different divisions of disciplines in different countries, and the major name is not unified, so please communicate fully with supervisor, and specify your research field you are interested in, and ask supervisor to fill in the acceptance letter clearly to prevent unnecessary trouble later. The proposed major and supervisor on acceptance letter will be the final label. Once the admission notice has been issued, your major or supervisor cannot be changed.

11. 网上申请中需要填写在华紧急联系人,我填写在本国的亲人的信息可以吗?


Q11. The online application needs to an Emergency Contact Person in China, May I use the contact information of a family member via my country?
No, you cannot. You should fill in the contact information of your one relative in China. If you do not have any relative in China, please fill in the Emergency Contact information of your embassy in China. The International Student Admissions Office or related staff members of HZAU may not be used as ‘Emergency Contact Person in China‘.

12. 网上申请中父亲和母亲的信息都需要填写吗?


Q12. Is it necessary to fill in the information of father and mother?
Yes, it is very necessary. Please be sure to fill in their valid contact information, including phone number, email, in case we need to contact your parents in some special circumstances.

13. 我已经获得了中国政府奖学金资助并正在中国大陆高校就读,我想继续攻读更高一层次的学位,请问我可以申请中国政府奖学金——高校研究生项目吗?


Q13. I am currently studying in a Chinese university supported by Chinese Government Scholarship: If I want to continue my studies and pursue a postgraduate degree, can I apply for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate program?

A: No, you cannot. Only applicants abroad can apply for this program. If you want to continue to pursue your Master’s or PhD degree, you can apply for Huazhong Agricultural University scholarship.



Q14. Can every program of HZAU be taught in English or only partial programs?

A: Only partial programs can be taught in English. For detailed information, please carefully refer to our annually updated program catalogue.

15. 如何选择授课语言?中文授课和英文授课各有什么要求?是否可以变更授课语言?

答:选择中文授课的申请者汉语水平至少要达到HSK5,最好是能达到HSK6的水平。若暂时未能达到我校要求,建议先补习汉语,等汉语水平达到我校要求后,再申请来我校进行专业学习。选择英文授课且官方语言为非英语的申请者,原则上英语水平需达到托福(IBT 80),雅思(6.0及以上)。授课语言一经确定,不得变更。

Q15. How to choose learning language? What are separate requirements for choosing Chinese as learning language or English? Can I change learning language?

A: Applicants choosing Chinese as learning language should reach the level of HSK5; HSK6 is better. If any applicant temporarily cannot reach our university requirements, we suggest firstly to learn Chinese until you meet our university requirements, and then you can apply for major study in our university. If a non-native English speaker chooses English as learning language, in principle, the level of English should reach TOEFL (IBT 80)or IELTS 6.0 or higher.

16. 我在华中农业大学提交了中国政府奖学金—高校研究生项目的申请,同时还可以通过中国驻外使()馆或本国留学生派遣部门提交申请吗?

: 最好选择一个途径进行申请,以免造成名额浪费。如果你通过中国驻外使()馆或本国留学生派遣部门获得了中国政府奖学金资助,请务必第一时间告知我们。

Q16. I will apply for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate program by Huazhong Agricultural University. Meanwhile, could I apply for Chinese Government Scholarship by the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of my home country?

A: You should apply for only one, to avoid the waste of a scholarship place. If you have been awarded scholarship by the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country, please be sure to let us know.


答:申请人应尽量避开我们学校寒假期间(2019年是124-215日)寄送申请材料,以免丢失。国际快递最好选择DHL, UPSFedEx,中国国内邮寄只接收顺丰快递和EMS

Q17. What kind of details should be paid attention to when I send application documents by mail?

A: Applicants should try to avoid sending application documents during university winter vacation (January 24, 2019-Feburary 25, 2019). During this time, the mail you send may easily lose. DHL, UPS and FedEx are the best choices for international express. China’s domestic express only accepts EMS and Shun Feng (SF).

18. 通过中国驻外使()馆或本国留学生派遣部门申请中国政府奖学金,材料需要邮寄至华中农业大学吗?


Q18. If I apply for Chinese Government Scholarship by the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of my home country, do I need send application documents to Huazhong Agricultural University?
No, you do not need. Please send your application documents to the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of your home country.


答:非常重要。电子邮箱是我们学校与申请者最常用的沟通渠道,招生办公室很多重要的信息都是通过电子邮箱告知申请者,申请者一定要填写有效且定期查看的邮箱。招生办公室经常会通过电子邮件发送给申请者一些确认信息,若在规定时间内没有得到有效反馈,视为自动放弃。当前联系地址、 永久联系地址和联系电话主要用于寄送录取材料,录取材料是申请者办理签证和入学注册的重要文件,因此,申请者必须提供详细、清楚、有效的联系地址和联系电话,当前联系地址可以和永久联系地址一样。

Q19. Is it important to fill in the email, current address, permanent address and phone number in application system?

A: Very important. Email is the most commonly used channel to communicate with applicant. Admissions office informs a lot of important information to applicants by email, so applicants must fill in the valid and usually checked email box. Admissions office often sends some confirmation information to applicants by email. If it does not get effective feedback within the prescribed time from applicants, it will be deemed to have automatically abandoned. The information including current address, permanent address and phone number is used for sending admission documents. Admission documents are important for applying for visa and enrollment, so applicants must provide detailed, clear and valid address and phone number. Current address and permanent address are allowed to be the same.



Q20. How to know the admission result?
Applicants who apply for Chinese Government Scholarship by the Chinese embassy or the dispatching authorities for overseas study of their home country can query the admission result by departments where accepts your application.

Applicants who apply for Chinese Government Scholarship directly by Huazhong Agricultural University can receive admission results by website (http://ic.hzau.edu.cn/) and email. Winner lists will be announced at two different times; once in the middle of June and again in the middle of July. Please check the website and your personal email frequently.